Make a Plan
Be ready when disaster strikes.
Knowing what types of disasters we can face here in Virginia is only the first step in being prepared. Next, we must make a plan. Each emergency is different, but starting with the basics will help you and your family be ready when the time comes.
Emergency Reference Card
Start with filling out the Emergency Reference Card and putting it on your refrigerator. This will be a quick reference guide for important contact information during an emergency.
My Emergency Plan
When you have a bit more time, fill out the My Emergency Plan, and keep it somewhere where you can easily reference it. This will be your ultimate guide during a disaster, and can also help family, friends, or first responders. It will have everything from emergency contact information to medical information and needs, if you need help communicating, who you can contact if you need to evacuate your home, which hurricane evacuation zone you are in, information about sheltering, and more.

Cover page: My Emergency Plan (English)

Cover page: My Emergency Plan (Arabic)

Cover page: My Emergency Plan (Chinese)

Cover page: My Emergency Plan (Korean)

Cover page: My Emergency Plan (Spanish)

Cover page: My Emergency Plan (Tagalog)

Cover page: My Emergency Plan (Vietnamese)
Emergency Kit
Do you have an emergency kit together? You don’t have to put it together all at once, and it doesn’t have to be expensive. Use the Emergency Kit checklist to help you gather items relevant to your situation. Dollar and discount have many great items to include in your kit. Add a few extra cans of non-perishable foods to your kit each paycheck until you have enough for your whole household. Make sure you rotate out the food items regularly!
Learn more about how to build a kit here: Build a Kit on
Emergency Preparedness Kids Activity Guide
Have kids that want to get prepared too? Have them color and fill out the Emergency Preparedness Kids Activity Guide.
Download Preparedness Kids Activity Guide (PDF)
See much more for kids, teens, and educators at Prepare with Pedro on
Power Outage Plan
Do you rely on medical equipment that requires electricity? Download the “Power Outage Plan” now to find out how to sign up as a life-sustaining equipment customer, and make sure your power company’s phone number is handy in the event of an outage.