Commonwealth Receives $8,644,501 in Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant for Projects in Multiple Communities

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Published: May 20, 2021

RICHMOND—The Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM) announced today the receipt of flood mitigation assistance funds from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). These awards were received under the Flood Mitigation Assistance Program (FMA) and will allow multiple communities to complete a variety of projects including acquisitions and elevations of flood-prone structures, as well as funding for advance assistance and a stormwater pump station to benefit the localities’ resilience to flooding as a whole.

“These federal grants help us provide necessary resources to underserved localities that will benefit from hazard mitigation,” said Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security, Brian J. Moran. “VDEM continues to successfully engage with local stakeholders and federal agencies to bring in the resources necessary to protect the health and safety of all Virginians.”

“Each project funded through this program is reducing the risk to flooding in areas of the community that include vulnerable populations,” said Curtis Brown, State Coordinator for Emergency Management. “VDEM is committed to incorporating equity into emergency management programs. We are also promoting innovative solutions to reducing risk, and the City of Portsmouth Old Town Pump Station is a great example.”

The Portsmouth Project will involve the installation of a water pump station, which will reduce the risk of flooding to residential and commercial property, as well as infrastructure.

VDEM administers these federal funds on behalf of FEMA. The state does not provide matching funds for these FMA grants which are a nationally competitive grant program. The jurisdictions receiving funding through this grant program include:

Community: Gloucester County

Project Name: Elevation of Four Properties

Federal Share: $694,341.00

Non-Federal Share: $58,049.00

Total Grant: $752,390.00

Federal Share: 92%

Program Match: 8%

Community: Northern Neck Planning District Commission

Project Name: Elevation of Two Properties

Federal Share: $314,829.00

Non-Federal Share: $34,981.00

Total Grant: $349,810.00

Federal Share: 90%

Program Match: 10%

Community: Portsmouth, City of

Project Name: Old Towne Storm Water Pump

Federal Share: $7,485,000.00

Non-Federal Share: $2,495,000.00

Total Grant: $9,980,000.00

Federal Share: 75%

Program Match: 25%

Community: Roanoke, City of

Project Name: Acquisition and Demolition of One Property

Federal Share: $150,331.00

Non-Federal Share: $0.00

Total Grant: $150,331.00

Federal Share: 100%

Program Match: 0%

For additional information on the FMA grant funding opportunity, please contact: Debbie Messmer –
State Hazard Mitigation Officer at


Agency Contact

Lauren Opett

Director of Communications and Chief Agency Spokesperson
