VEST Activations
This resource is maintained by
- When does the VEST step into action? The VEST can be activated when:
- A Declaration of Emergency is made by the Governor
- Local and regional capabilities are unable to address the impact of an event, or
- The State Coordinator or VEST Bureau Chief orders activation to support a high-profile emergency or non-emergency event, or an event that demonstrates the need for a state-level request for assistance.
- A full VEST activation can draw more than 200 response professionals to the Virginia Emergency Operations Center from state agencies, FEMA, the US military, the Army Corps of Engineers, and multiple private-sector partners. The COVID-19 environment is actively changing operations requiring more flexibility and virtual operations. The following is a list of VEST supported and or activations over the last 8 years:
- 2016:
- Winter Storm Jonas
- February Tornados
- Alleghany/Covington Flood
- Tropical Storm Hermine
- Hurricane Matthew
- 2017:
- January Winter Storm
- Unite the Right Rally
- 2018:
- January Winter Storm
- April Tornados
- Hurricane Florence
- Hurricane Michael
- 2019:
- Hurricane Dorian
- 2020
- 2020 was a historical year for activations for the VEST. Several of the events listed below were concurrent and, for the first time in Commonwealth history, the VEST supported three events at the same time (COVID-19, First Amendment Events, and Hurricane Isaias). 2021 has also proven to be a record setting year with multiple concurrent events to include supporting 5 simultaneous events at one time (COVID-19, Afghanistan Emergency Repatriation, Far Southwest Severe Flooding, Hurricane Ida, and Lee Monument Removal).
- Lobby Day
- Feb Severe Weather (R4)
- COVID-19 (still ongoing)
- May Severe Weather
- First Amendment Events
- Hurricane Isaias
- Hurricane Laura
- Election Day
- December Winter Weather
- 2021:
- US Capitol Invasion/DC Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC)
- US Inauguration/Virginia Lobby Day
- February Severe Weather
- Colonial Pipeline Disruption
- Afghanistan Emergency Repatriation
- Severe Flooding – Far Southwest VA
- Hurricane Ida
- Lee Monument Removal
- Operation Allies Welcome
- 2022:
- 4 winter storms in January
- Buchanan Flooding in July
- SW Virginia Flooding in July
- Hurricane Ian
- Operation Allies Welcome
- 2023
- Severe Weather (Tropical Storm Ophelia)
- 2016: