Exercise Request
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On average the Exercise Branch supports approximately 30 exercises per year. The level of support varies from complete design and delivery to providing a few exercise staff personnel to assist the day of an exercise. For planning and budget purposes, the Exercise Branch offers a set number of exercises each year per region. In the event that an exercise cannot be supported, VDEM, in coordination with the Exercise Branch, has an optional use contract option available to state agencies and localities.
Regional Exercises
Each VDEM region is offered two exercises per year that are supported by the Exercise Branch. Regional exercises are defined as involving at least 3 jurisdictions or agencies from the region and they must be multi-disciplined. Regional exercises are determined at each region’s annual Integrated Preparedness Planning Workshop (IPPW) where training and exercise needs are projected for the following three years. Once the regional exercises are identified at the workshop, Exercise Branch personnel will work with VDEM regional staff to schedule initial planning meetings with the key stakeholders and interested localities and/or agencies.
Technical Assistance Exercises
The purpose of VDEM’s exercise technical assistance program is to allow localities, tribes, and state partners to receive support and assistance for exercises outside of the scope of their regional exercises selected annually at the Integrated Preparedness Planning Workshop (IPPW). It is important to note that technical assistance provides staffing only (i.e. exercise design, facilitation, control, and evaluation). Technical assistance does not include the printing of any materials (meetings, conduct, etc) or logistical costs (facilities, IT, food/beverage). These costs will be the responsibility of the locality or tribe sponsoring the exercise. Technical assistance also does not always guarantee full staffing of exercises if the need exceeds personnel available.
Please go to https://arcg.is/efSTP apply.
Applications are due no later than JANUARY 31, 2024. Recipients will be notified by FEB 23, 2024. Conduct must be AFTER AUGUST 1, 2024 but no later than APRIL 30, 2025. Planning meetings can commence once application has been approved.
If you have any questions please contact exercise@vdem.virginia.gov
Optional Use Statewide Exercise Contract
In some cases, a locality or state agency must utilize a vendor to assist with an exercise. To save time and money, VDEM conducted an RFP process to identify vendors.
The result is this list of pre-procured exercise contractors available to local and state governmental entities. Multiple contractors were awarded in order to allow the locality or state governmental entity the ability to select the solution most appropriate to their needs. Keep in mind this is an optional use, statewide contract. A locality or governmental entity is still able to go through a procurement process to hire a contractor based on their individual scope of work.
To use this contract, a local or state entity must develop a scope of work using a task order. Once a Task Order is completed and signed, the governmental entity must send a copy to VDEM’s Exercise Branch.
The governmental entity can select one vendor or multiple to discuss their scope of work. The pricing structures provided on this site per the vendor’s proposal are a starting point for the discussion of price.
The vendors selected – in alphabetical order – are listed below. For each vendor, we have provided their point of contact and a link to their website.
Alliance Solutions Group, Inc.
Robert Campbell
11818 Rock Landing Drive, Suite 105
Newport News, VA 23606
(757) 223-7233
“Home” — Alliance Solutions Group
Derek Rowan
8300 Boone Blvd., Suite 500
Vienna, VA 22182
(571) 220-3010
The Cadmus Group, LLC
Christy Welch
3100 Clarendon Blvd., Suite 500
Arlington, VA 22201
(703) 247-6168
CNA Corporation
Suda Somvang
3003 Washington Blvd.
Arlington, VA 22201
(703) 824-2098
Continuity Operations Group, LLC
Michael D. Murphy
7201 Warbler Lane
McLean, VA 22010
(703) 651-6199
“Home” — Continuity Operations Group
Counterpoint Defense Innovations, LLC
Juanita Draetta
10657 Yorktown Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030
(571) 235-2845
Hagerty Consulting
Katie Freeman
1618 Orrington Avenue, Suite 201
Evanston, IL 60201
(571) 220-3010
“Hagerty Consulting” — Hagerty Consulting
Nusura, Inc.
Mark Amann
4101 E. Louisiana Ave., Suite 400
Denver, CO 80260
(888) 375-5685
The Olson Group, Ltd.
Kyle B. Olson
300 N. Washington St.
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 651-6199
Sensemakers, LLC
Jim Bailey
2401 E. Katella Ave, Suite 610
Anaheim, CA 92806
(760) 521-5087