FY24 Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA)

This opportunity is maintained by Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grant Programs

Program Status


Eligible Entities

Cities, Counties, Towns, Planning Districts, State Agencies, Tribal Government

Applications Open

January 6, 2025

Applications Close

March 6, 2025


FMA Grant Intent

The intent of the Flood Mitigation Assistance Program (FMA) is to provide funding for projects either reducing or eliminating the risk of repetitive flood damage to buildings insured by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

For more information on the FMA program, please visit: https://www.fema.gov/grants/mitigation/floods Application Period

Application Deadline to VDEM: March 6, 2025

These deadlines will give VDEM time to review all applications, request additional information, and submit all project sub-applications through the FEMA GO system by FEMA’s application deadline.

Eligible Project Types

Individual Flood Mitigation Projects

Property Acquisition and Structure Demolition or Relocation Structure Elevation

Mitigation Reconstruction

Dry Floodproofing (non-residential structures) Infrastructural, Structural, and Non-Structural Retrofitting Soil Stabilization

Community Flood Mitigation Projects: are local level drainage/flood control projects to improve drainage and reduce flood risk for communities and can include numerous activities such as drainage pipes, pump stations, topographic grading, seawalls, marsh restoration, and other nature based solutions.






