Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP)

This opportunity is maintained by Preparedness Grant Programs

Program Status


Eligible Entities


FY24 Applications Open

April 19, 2024

FY24 Applications Close

May 24, 2024

FY24 Originally Posted

April 19, 2024


Federal Fiscal Year 2024 Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) Status and Updates

This is where you will find the information you will need to successfully navigate the Commonwealth of Virginia 2024 NSGP application process.

VDEM will host pre-application informational webinars on:

April 23, 2024 @ 2 PM

May 2, 2024 @ 2 PM

May 9, 2024 @ 2 PM

May 14, 2024 @ 2 PM

A link to the presentation can be found here.

Federal Fiscal Year 2024 Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP)

On April 16, 2024, FEMA released the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the FY 2024 Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) with total funding at $274.5M. This grant cycle Virginia has a target allocation of $2.7M. NSGP will improve and increase the physical/cyber security and facility/target hardening of nonprofit organizations’ facilities at risk of a terrorist or other extremist attack, ultimately safeguarding the lives and property of the American people. All NSGP activities must be linked to enhancing the security and safety at the physical site of the nonprofit organization.

This is a nationally competitive grant program and if awarded, the funds will be reimbursable as each phase of the approved scope of work is completed. More information will be available if awarded. Pre-award costs are not eligible for reimbursement.

FY24 NSGP VDEM Applications

Applications will only be accepted on-line through the designated area application portal.

There are three regional area SAA designations in Virginia:

-Hampton Roads Designated Urban Area

-National Capital Region Designated Urban Area

–Virginia Applicants Located in Other Areas Other Than Designated Urban Areas

Key FY24 NSGP Grant Performance Dates

FY 2024 NSGP Overview

FY 2024 Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) is one of three grant programs that constitute DHS/FEMA’s focus on enhancing the ability of state, local, tribal, and territorial governments, as well as nonprofits, to prevent, protect against, respond to, and recover from terrorist attacks.

The objective of the FY 2024 NSGP is to provide funding for physical security enhancements and other security-related activities to nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of a terrorist attack. The NSGP also seeks to integrate the preparedness activities of nonprofit organizations with broader state and local preparedness efforts.

Below are Application Instructions for FY 2024 NSGP:


Applicants must be 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization to be eligible.

What type of entities/organizations are eligible to apply under NSGP?
What type of entities/organizations are not eligible to apply under NSGP?

Other Guidelines

  1. A completed FY 2024 NSGP Investment Justification template.

Please download the document, first. Save to your computer. After saving to your computer, you can open the document and start to populate your information. Save as you input information.

Do not open and use the web browser to input your information.


  1. A Mission Statement as described in the NOFO, which explains the nature of the applicant organization’s purpose and mission. This will primarily be used to validate the organization’s type identified in the IJ as either: 1) Ideology-based/spiritual/religious; 2) Educational; 3) Medical; or 4) Other.

  2. A copy of the Vulnerability Assessment on which the request in the application is based.

Application template must be saved in Adobe Fillable pdf format.

Applicants should include the organization’s Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) in the application template where requested, if available at this time.

Note that subapplicants do not need to have a valid UEI at the time of application; however, they must have a valid UEI in order to receive a subaward.

For more information about the UEI process, visit or the Federal Service Desk, You can search for help at FSD any time or request help from an FSD agent Monday–Friday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.

Applicants that do not have a UEI number may visit the following gov or the Federal Service Desk,

The scoring criteria for the applications are included in the NOFO.

Information on FY 2024 National and State Priorities

DHS/FEMA continuously evaluate the national risk profile and establishes national priorities to ensure appropriate allocation of scarce security dollars to meet the highest priorities in the current highly dynamic environment. In assessing the national risk profile for FY 2024, the enhancement and protection of soft targets/crowed places is determined to be a national priority.

Likewise, there are several enduring security needs that crosscut the homeland security enterprise. The following are enduring needs that address a grant recipient’s ability to implement a comprehensive approach to securing communities:

1. Effective planning

2. Training and awareness campaigns

3. Exercise

Please see the NOFO for details and a breakdown of these priority areas for the FY 2024 NSGP, showing both the core capabilities enhanced and lifelines supported, as well as examples of eligible project types for each area. A detailed description of allowable investments for each project type is included in the Preparedness Grants Manual.

Applicants in the Hampton Roads Designated Urban Area

The following information and instructions are for nonprofit applicants located within the Hampton Roads Urban Area: City of Chesapeake, City of Franklin, Gloucester County, City of Hampton, Isle of Wight County, James City County, City of Newport News, City of Norfolk, City of Poquoson, City of Portsmouth, Southampton County, City of Suffolk, Surry County, City of Virginia Beach, City of Williamsburg, and York County.

Applicants must submit their applications no later than Friday, May 24, 2024, at 11:59:59 PM EDT to the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission (HRPDC). After review by the Urban Area Working Group, projects will be submitted to the Virginia Department of Emergency Management, the State Administrative Agent (SAA).

Submit all applications through the 2024 Hampton Roads Nonprofit Security Grant Program. HRPDC grant information can be found here. Your point of contact is Lisa Anderson at

Applications must use the following file naming convention: “FY2024_NSGP_UA_ VA_HR_<Your Nonprofit Name>”

Applicants in the National Capital Region Designated Urban Area

The following information and instructions are for nonprofit applicants located within The National Capital Region Urban Area (NCR) which includes Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun and Prince William Counties and the City of Alexandria in Virginia.

Applicants must submit their applications no later than Friday, May 31, 2024, at 11:59:59 PM EDT to the District of Columbia Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency (DC HSEMA), which is the State Administrative Agent (SAA) for this grant in this region.

Submit applications by email to and <> Do not submit to FEMA or Capital Region NSGP grant information can be found here at the DC HSEMA website.

Applications must use the following file naming convention: “FY2024_NSGP_UA_ .DC_NCR_<Your Nonprofit Name>”

Virginia Applicants in Areas Other Than Designated Urban Areas

Any nonprofit applicant in Virginia that is not located within either the Hampton Roads or The National Capital Region designated urban areas will submit their applications to the Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM).

Applicants must submit their applications no later than Friday, May 24, 2024, at 11:59:59 PM EDT to the Virginia Department of Emergency Management, which is the State Administrative Agent (SAA) for this grant for all areas other than designated urban areas.

Submit applications through the VDEM application portal 2024 Nonprofit Security Grant Program Application Portal

Applications must use the following file naming convention: “FY2024_NSGP_S_<State Abbreviation>_<Nonprofit Name>”.

VDEM will conduct an initial review and scoring of the applications received and will submit a combined application to FEMA by June 24, 2024, on behalf of Virginia non-urban and Hampton Roads urban area that includes all the eligible applications. FEMA will make the final selection of award recipients and will announce the results and will issue the grant award to the SAA no later than September 30, 2024. Awards to non-profits will occur within 45 days of the FEMA award.

Do not submit to FEMA or—the SAA will do that on behalf of the region.

VDEM Staff

Grants staff questions can be directed to

FEMA has provided the following Key Application Takeaways based on the NSGP grant cycle that you may want to consider:

1- Duplicative applications: If you hire a grant writer, review their work. Limit copy and pasting between IJs if applying for multiple locations.

2- Administratively incomplete/insufficient: The FEMA-provided IJ must be submitted. Any incomplete package will not be reviewed by FEMA.

3- Unallowable/out of scope expenditures: Ensure that all requested expenditures align with the program rules and objectives.

4- Organizations applying on behalf of ineligible entities: Nonprofits may not act as a pass through for a government or profit-entity.

5- UEI number: While you can apply for NSGP without a UEI number, you MUST have a valid UEI number to receive any funding.

6- Threats/Risks/Vulnerability: Nonprofits must tie threats/risks to existing physical vulnerabilities. All must tie to terrorism or extremism.

7- Direct hiring of law enforcements/public safety officials are not allowed. Contract security CANNOT be sole sourced.

8- Misalign or unrealistic narratives, timelines, projects/activities: The IJ content and project goals should be logical, reasonable, and attainable.

Do not submit to FEMA or—the SAA will do that on behalf of the region.






