4628 Buchanan County Flooding

This opportunity is maintained by Recovery Grant Programs

Program Status


Eligible Entities

Cities, Counties, Towns, Non-Profits, Tribal Government

Applications Open

October 26, 2021

Applications Close

November 25, 2021

Originally Posted

October 29, 2021


Overview of Public Assistance Program

For the current Buchanan County Flooding declaration (FEMA 4628 DR-VA), all categories of costs are potentially reimbursable costs that do not qualify under another state or federal grant program. In accordance with section 502 of the Stafford Act, the program provides funding for emergency assistance to save lives and protect property, and assists with funding for permanently restoring community infrastructure affected by a federally declared incident. Eligible work must be required as a result of the declared incident, be located in the designated area, be the legal responsibility of the applicant, and be undertaken at a reasonable cost. FEMA will not duplicate assistance provided by other programs, insurance, or federal agencies. Local government and authorities, state agencies, tribal governments, and certain private non-profits organizations are eligible to apply. FEMA reimbursements are available at 75% of the total eligible cost. For public assistance guidance, please visit https://www.fema.gov/assistance/public/policy-guidance-fact-sheets

Pre-Award Process

Before a project can be created and federal funds can be obligated, sub-recipients will need to submit a request for public assistance (RPA) on the FEMA portal. Sub-recipients may request assistance for RPA submission for DR-4628 Buchanan County Flooding grant costs. For more pre-award information please see the attached resources.

Getting Started

Step 1

Contact your Regional Grant Administrator or email the recovery inbox with your intent to submit. Please view the Regional Staff Map

Step 2

Submit an RPA

Step 3

Attend Applicant Briefing

Option #1: Friday November 12, 2021 beginning at 10:00 AM

Webinar Link:


Meeting number: 2422 435 8951

Password: DR4628

Join by phone

+1-517-466-2023 US Toll

+1-866-692-4530 US Toll Free

**Access code: **242 243 5895

Join by video system

Dial 24224358951@covaconf.webex.com

You can also dial and enter your meeting number.


Option #2: Monday November 15, 2021 beginning at 12:00 PM

Meeting link:


Meeting number: 2429 309 4089

Password: DR4628

Join by phone

+1-517-466-2023 US Toll

+1-866-692-4530 US Toll Free

Access code: 2429 309 4089

Join by video system

Dial 24293094089@covaconf.webex.com

You can also dial and enter your meeting number.


Assistance Programs Factsheet


Reference Checklist for Damage Assessments


Local Officials Guide – Final


Public Assistance Contracting Requirements Checklist


Top 10 Procurement under Grants Mistakes


What Happens Next: After the Declaration Webinar Slides


Applicant Briefing Presentation
