Virginia Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grants Success Stories

This page is meant to be a resource that outlines the success of FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) grants, implemented by local governments in Virginia. The content on this page represents studies on avoided damages and dollars saved from actual flood events in Virginia. Overall, the projects studied have exceeded expected return on investment by 87%. The goal is to inform local governments in Virginia on these grant programs, and encourage participation in future grants to make communities more resilient.

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To register for updates and grant opportunities, please sign up here:

Virginia Department of Emergency Management

For more information on HMA Grants, please click the following link.

Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grant Programs

20 Year Assessment on Hazard Mitigation Actions in Virginia Since Hurricane Isabel

Mitigation Actions Since Hurricane Isabel

Loss Avoidance Case Studies in Virginia

HMGP / FMA Success Reports


Katie Vugdalic
Hazard Mitigation Grants Manager

Madison L'Heureux

Grants Administrator - Mitigation

Jennifer Peterson

Grants Administrator - Mitigation

Jessica Scott

Grants Administrator - Mitigation

Lauren Tanner

Grants Administrator - Mitigation