New Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Subaward Reporting Function
Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 170 Appendix A requires all non-federal entities to report each obligating action exceeding $30,000 to the F ederal F unding A ccountability and T ransparency A ct [FFATA] Subrecipient Reporting System (FSRS).
- This requirement is for both mandatory and discretionary grants awarded on or after October 1, 2010.
- All sub-award information must be reported by the prime awardee (VDEM). For those new Federal grants as of October 1, 2010, if the initial award is equal to or over $30,000, reporting of sub-award and executive compensation data is required. The same requirements apply if:
- subsequent grant modifications result in a total award equal to or over $30,000, OR
- the initial award equals or exceeds $30,000 but funding is subsequently de-obligated such that the total award amount falls below $30,000
Organizations are required to annually certify applicant information in VDEM EM Grants to receive federal grant funding. Contacts listed as primaries, alternates, and authorized agents will receive email notifications with instructions to certify FFATA Reporting requirements in VDEM EM Grants (
As part of this requirement:
- Organizations are required to have a Unique Entity ID (UEI), which must be done by registering with the System for Award Management (
- The Organization’s UEI and Zip+4 will be required to submit the FFATA form.
- If applicable, organizations may be required to report sub-award and executive compensation data
- Every year a contact representative for your organization will receive an email notification informing them that the FFATA report will need to be recertified within the next 30 days before the 1-year anniversary of the previous FFATA certification.