The Blue Book Project

This resource is maintained by Planning and Intelligence

It is becoming increasingly clear that nation-state actors are attempting to destabilize the nation’s environment by attacking cyber networks to (a) disrupt community lifelines through attacks on critical infrastructure systems, (b) erode public trust through disinformation, and (c) compromise the ability of the United States to defend the homeland and project power globally.

This scenario is not unlike the nuclear threat of the mid-1900s, which terrified the world and the American people and precipitated a greater planning effort than had yet been required of civil defense. In 1950, the National Security Resources Board created a 162-page document with a solid blue cover that outlined a model civil defense structure amid an emerging threat. The "Blue Book" became the template for legislation and organization until the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was established.

To meet the current challenges, the Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM) has undertaken a major consequence management planning effort—the Blue Book Project. The goals of the Blue Book Project are to develop a coordinated operational process to support local, state, federal, and private sector operational priorities; support Virginia residents; and ensure continuity of government while under a coordinated cyberattack on critical infrastructure systems resulting in a national emergency.

This project is funded by a FEMA Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant (RCPG).


Phase 2 to 3 Transition


Blue Book TV Episode One: False and Misleading Information

Download | Episode One Recording

NEW! Blue Book TV Episode Two: Planning for a National Security Emergency

Download | Episode 2 Recording

Cyber Threat Brief

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Iran Threat Brief

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North Korea Threat Brief

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Russia Threat Brief

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China Threat Brief

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Project Products

Stay updated on the latest Blue Book Project products. Project Products is a running compilation of internally developed reports and resources. Visit this page regularly for the latest Blue Book products and materials.



White Paper 1: VDEM Blue Book Project Overview


White Paper 2: Lessons Learned from Phase 1


White Paper 3: Overview and Application of the Defense Production Act


White Paper 4: Disinformation 101 for Emergency Managers


White Paper 5: How to Increase Resilience Against Disinformation


White Paper 6: Civil Defense from the Cold War to Contemporary Threats


White Paper 7: Law Enforcement Support to Military Installations


White Paper 8: Tactical Responses to Disinformation


White Paper 9: Innovative Approaches to consequence management


White Paper 10: Understanding CI dependencies and interdependencies


White Paper 11: Lessons learned from phase 2


Reading Corner

Stay informed on the latest reports and articles that relate to Blue Book focus areas. The Reading Corner is a curated collection of open-source resources to keep you up-to-date on insights and trends gathered from external sources.

Go to Blue Book Reading Corner

Contact Us

For more information or to seek involvement in the planning process, please contact the Blue Book Project team at